The Contractor ID Card Program provides contractors requiring access to University buildings with an ID Card that is also capable of Card Swipe Access. It should be leveraged for any contractor who is going to be on-site for more than 7 days. No additional services are supplied with a Contractor ID Card. Those contractors needing additional services (i.e network access) should be issued a Sponsored ID instead of a Contractor ID. Once the ID Card is requested by the Sponsor, the contractor may pick up the ID Card from the Brown Card Office. Each contractor must have a Sponsor who is verifying that the contractor is engaged in on-site work at Brown. The Contractor ID will expire in one year unless renewed by the Sponsor from the authorized departments. Sponsors are responsible for requesting the termination of a Contractor ID Card when the person is no longer working on behalf of the University. Contractor ID Cards have a vertical orientation, a picture of the contractor, and a badge title that identifies the person as a contractor.
Brown Card